I am looking forward to tomorrow night though: it is Sheila and my date night. We will go out to dinner and just hang out with each other for the evening. Sunday was Valentines day but with all of our church stuff, it wasn't the most romantic day of the year! So we had a wonderful dinner on Friday eve and Tuesday we will do the date.
Church is going well. We are doing a LONG series on listening to/for GOD and asking ourselves "Where Are You?" Children's Church is going through the Bible and talking about all of the different ways God spoke to His people. God gets really creative sometimes in the way He gets our attention.
Our Crosslink Teen ministry is going great! Theses kids have become so much a part of our lives that when one is out, we feel the lose. I love these guys so much and am honored to be a part of their lives. They always push hard to do the right thing.
Well that is a little update for now, I have to go make a few phone calls to some of our Children Church kids.