Thursday, October 29

impartation part 1

These are my notes from the IMPART event

There is NOTHING to impart apart from Christ!: It all starts, has to do with and ends with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. What He did on the cross sealed the deal! Anything other than that is simply chatter.

If you are offended, it is usually a sign of God shake’n you up: If and when the truth bothers you, it may be time to start following it.

Eat the fish and leave the bone: take what is good and useful and get rid of the rest, it was just going to poke you anyway!

Imitate their faith, not their miracles: You are the best you you can be, don’t copy what they do or did but copy their faith.

Faith is seeing something that isn’t here, then believing it and speaking it till it is here: Plan for what you pray for. If I am sick and you pray for a healing, go get me a “glad your feeling better card” NOW!

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