Saturday, October 31

impartation part 3

These are my notes from the IMPART event

Celebrate somebody!: Really find one person every day to celebrate. It is fun and they like it too. Here: Monday=call someone, Tuesday=email someone, Wednesday=send a card, Thursday=text someone, Friday=comment on their facebook page, Saturday=face to face with someone (clerks and waiters are awesome too) and Sunday=hit-um up at church! Monday, start all over. It may seem like work at first but you will grow to like it as much as they’s addicting. I dare you.

Protect your Pastor: “let nobody put their mouth on Him” do not tolerate people speaking poorly of God’s anointed! [get out of the gutter]

You cannot fake your DNA: it is who you are! Be the best you that you can be and stop trying to be _________ (insert name here).

Nobody can go where the leaders are not going: thus leaders get followed, duh moment!

Be willing to smoke what you sell! If it isn’t good enough for you, don’t ask them to do it! (dang does that mean I have to do all of this stuff I am writing?)

Our hearts should be overflowing and others should be getting it.

What if people leave? If they do, What have you lost? Remember: Sometimes the crowd thins.

Friday, October 30

Daraja Choir coming to town!

Who is the Daraja Choir? you may be asking. Check them out for yourself here. We saw them in 08 at Catalyst Conference then they came to town and we actually got to host them and feed them. So this year they are coming again and will be staying with several Discovery Church Families. I am so excited. We get 3 of the girls here. We don't know which ones but I will try to post Pictures as soon as they arrive on Monday. Hey maybe I can get each of them to post a little something!

They will be doing a concert on Nov 3rd at 7:00pm at the Winterville Boys and Girls Club. I will probably be running sound for them so pray that I don't mess them up! Come on out and say hello. Check the calendar on their website for a show near you.

impartation part 2

These are my notes from the IMPART event

1 Samuel 14:6&7 Jonathan was the best volunteer recruit ever! Read it yourself.

Your vision needs to be so big that it cannot succeed without God. We are small dreamers!

Some of us need the spiritual gift of ignorance: We think things through and limit God’s movement in out lives. If Moses used common sense or even science, he may not have put his staff into the red sea! A moment of ignorance may be all that is separating you from the amazing thing that God has in store for you.

Your limitations are an insult to God.

What are your “I can’ts”: what is keeping you from doing them?

Make every opportunity to make “this day” “That day”. Come on, we all have a “That day” that we tell people about, lets make some more!

Our generation has lost the art of honor: Honor begins with honoring God. Trust is earned but honor is deserved by all. So honor somebody already!

Criticize by creating. Most criticism tears down. If you cannot offer criticism in a way that builds up...DONT offer it! Your house will not be any bigger by tearing down other peoples houses. You ego may though.

Thursday, October 29

impartation part 1

These are my notes from the IMPART event

There is NOTHING to impart apart from Christ!: It all starts, has to do with and ends with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. What He did on the cross sealed the deal! Anything other than that is simply chatter.

If you are offended, it is usually a sign of God shake’n you up: If and when the truth bothers you, it may be time to start following it.

Eat the fish and leave the bone: take what is good and useful and get rid of the rest, it was just going to poke you anyway!

Imitate their faith, not their miracles: You are the best you you can be, don’t copy what they do or did but copy their faith.

Faith is seeing something that isn’t here, then believing it and speaking it till it is here: Plan for what you pray for. If I am sick and you pray for a healing, go get me a “glad your feeling better card” NOW!

Wednesday, October 28


We just returned from one jam-packed day at Elevation Church for their IMPART event. This was simply: a where we have been and how God has and is working through Elevation. And my short review is WOW. This blog post is my take away on what happened.

First of all, there were only about 110 people in attendance and they had 200 (yes 200) volunteers there to greet, meet and serve us. Yes, thats almost 2 to 1! We each had a person assigned to us all day long. Every time we took a break our personal concierge was standing there with our favorite drink and snack. Mine was named Gail and she and a bunch of others took off work to be there to serve us. Wow, we can’t get some people to serve on their free time much less take a day off work!

For this one day event they redecorated the entire building to theme it out for IMPART. There were banners and signs everywhere. They even had info over the urinals in the bathroom that they changed out between sessions. If you missed a bathroom break, you missed a little info :)

Then came the meat. Pastor Steve Furtick brought it and brought it hard. He layed down Elevations simple vision with so much passion that we felt guilty about not having the same passion about our vision. I can see why people go to this church, he is real and human, he isn’t as perfect as the rest of the pastors out their and will probably tell you something he sucks at ever chance he gets.

I will be posting my notes and comments in days to come. I will call them “impartation part_” so check back over the next, oh 7 days! yeah, it will take me that long to unpack what they shoved down our throats in one day.

darn rubber-neckers!

there is nothing to see here, move on!

Friday, October 23

So what’s going on with the Cannons?

We have been so busy it is hard to sit down and catch you all up. As you know Discovery took about 12 people to the huge Catalyst Leadership Conference in Atlanta Ga. It was amazing and I gave you a short take home in my last post. I have another big conference called Impart on next Tuesday and a possible one on Thursday. These things give us so much info that our heads are ready to pop. We are constantly being reminded how much we DONT KNOW!

This past Sunday we took Crosslink (our youth) to a corn maze. It was huge and nice. We had a blast. We learned: if you have a map, you can find your way. I had a map but failed to pass out the other 3 that I printed. Our team was the only one to complete the entire maze. When we were done we headed back to the cars to send the kids off and Sheila was wrapping up and managed to slam her finger in the van door. It was pretty nasty and we had to spend the night at the ER. She broke the tip and cut around 3 sides of her pinky. There are pictures up HERE but you need to prepare yourself! She is doing good and has more stitches to add to her list. She has more scares than Rambo!

It seems that our churches cars are under attack. We have so many friends with broke down cars. We have fuel pumps out, leaking radiators, slipping transmissions, blown engines, flooded cars and wrecked cars. I am doing what I can to help as many of them as possible but that takes money and most of us don’t have that much laying around. I could use a Pontiac and Toyota engine and a radiator for a Grand Prix. The fuel pump was Pastor Jason’s and we got that fixed. One by one we will get them fixed. Just pray for us and our cars.

That’s enough for now, consider yourselves updated for now.

Saturday, October 10

ok, the hydrant is closed and I'm soaked!

how do you process so much info crammed into your head in two day? Wow! It hurts! We just got back from the Catalyst Leadership Conference with 12 Discovery church people. We heard from some of the country's best leaders and speakers and I got my socks knocked off.
So I was thinking: How do I grab any of this since there was so much and I decided to Snactch just a thought from each that I could use and apply. So here you go, 2 days, 11 messages in as few words as possible:

Andy Stanly: trust them 1st

Louie Giglio: Seek His Face

Chuck Swindoll: empty hands can be filled

Dave Ramsey: the tortoise wins

Priscilla Shirer: copy God

Fracnis Chan: The Cross!

Matt Chandler: Know the finish before you run.

Rob Bell: Jesus didn’t do popular & Family 1st

Shane Hipps: Guard or Gardner?

Malcolm Gladwell: Overconfidence loses

Andy Stanly: Words are cheap!

I may break these down for you later, but I may not!

Friday, October 9


Sorry for not giving you all a minute by minute updat of this amazing conference but this is for me and if I get "this" then that will be for you all. We start day two in 7 minutes so I will see y'all soon.

Thursday, October 8

OK ready or not, here we come>

Myself along with 11 other Discovery Church people are at Catalyst Conference in Altanta Ga. for the next two days and...well to put it as simple as possible, to drink from a hydrant! We will be bombarded with truth and challenge by some of the best and most influential speakers know.

My prayer for me is that I would hear exactly what God needs me to hear and be open to what He wants from me.

My prayer for the group is that they would see their potential within the church body.

My prayer for the conference is that Jesus and Him resurrected would be lifted up, the simple truth made know to everyone there.

I will try to provide an update between session but no promises. There will be a lot of info to process.

Love you guys and will see some of you soon.