Ok so who said ministry is easy? NOBODY thats who! And nobody should. Don't get me wrong, I still love my job but you cannot easily lay a job like this down for a "day off". Our minds are always occupied with our work. And I don't have a problem with that because our work is to shepherd the flock which we also love. I never want a day off of loving our people. It is an honor to have them.
So my point of this blog: my hours sometimes outlast my energy. I need help! Luckily for me there is that section in the convenient stores right next to the beer, you know the section, it is the one with the HUGE cans with all of the colorful labels on black backgrounds. Names like Red Bull, Monster, Full Throttle, Redline, Rock Star and more. It is in this section I find a little energy boost to get me through set-up and Sunday night youth. Yeap, This stuff is my "Liquid Ministry"
Now I know a lot of people don't like these drinks for their enormous amounts of caffeine and sugar. But only a few of these people are actually by my side during these times of need so they cannot possibly feel my pain.
I honestly don't think it is the caffeine that energizes me, I think it is the terrible taste of these 24+oz cans of carbonated arm pit funk. One sip and you are awake for hours. I really thought that I would acquire a taste for these things BUT NOOOO. As awful as they are, I just cannot resist them. And I drink every ounce. It is a mystery, kind of like the show "Saved by the Bell", nobody likes it but if you see it, you cannot help but watch.
So when times get hard, I have missed my nap and I feel like I cannot go on: There is my faithful Liquid Ministry sitting there faithfully ready to trick my body into doing a little more for the Kingdom

Please don't condemn me with passages like Philippians 4:13 "I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me" or Matthew 4:4 "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God". I know this stuff and fully depend on my LORD and Savior. This post is a joke, I am just making some fun. Sorry to offend.....Nahh, I'm not.
Hey Claude,....Do you know where the term "saved by the bell" comes from?....since you mentioned it in your post.....
Nope. I could look it up but what is the fun in that. I am referring to the tv show with Zack, Kelly and Screech.
I know you were referring to the old tv show....but just today...someone told me where that phrase "saved by the bell" originated...I thought it was interesting. They used to tie a string connected to a small bell on the toe of the bodies in mortuaries. If a bell would ring, it meant they body moved and the person wasn't dead...hence..saved by the bell. I thought that was interesting and then I read it in your blog.....ok, I am strange.
I will add one to this post. Saved by the bell also coinsides with where the midnight shift originated. Men would sit by a grave all night by a new grave to listen for the "bell". Hence, midnight shift.
I thought I hard that some one but is was a "dead ringer". so when people saw someone that looked like a past friend, they called them a dead ringer.
Weird that this comes up on a post about "Monster" drink.
So that might be the random-est set of information I have read on the blog. Glad to see I am not the only one that has random information ready to talk about at any time. Good time.
Spoken like a true addict
How do you reckon Justin is getting on without his Red Bull? We talked to him today and he is doing well. He has a sinus infection and he needs to up his speed in the running, but he scored one point off of expert in his markmanship. YooHoo!
cool deal, I am glad he is doing good.
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