Right before the pastor took me out to the sanctuary on that day, we were in a little waiting area. The pastor jokingly told me I had two choices and he pointed to the two doors: one leading to the stage where we would be married and the other to the exit door. He said, that either choice would drastically change my life. My choice remains unfaltered and I have NEVER looked back to wander what door number two would hold for me. It is obvious to those who know me which door I picked.
Today is out 14th wedding anniversary and I still feel like newlyweds most of the time. There is nobody I had rather hang with and do things with than Sheila. Some people think we are a little "clingy" and I am ok with that. Mainly because Sheila is the only one I have promised to grow old with. She will be there no matter what. Not true with a lot of other people in life. Friends come and friends go. I pray we all have life long friends (I happen to marry mine). But people move away , hobbies change, believes change and life happens. I pray that all of you find or have found a mate that fits you as well as Sheila fits me.
So here, to celebrate our anniversary, is a look back at the big day that led to a bigger life:
Oh, by the way, to those who think we are too touchy feelie, I ask you this: What would it be like for your spouse to let you lay your head in their lap and rub your hair until your headache is gone? Or how about an hour long foot rub after being on them all day? Yeah, I get both! so I will take touchy feelie any day!!!
Thank you Sheila for giving me an indescribable marriage and a wonderful life!!!!
to the most precious gift I have ever received, I thank God everyday for you! I love you more than any words could ever express! thank you for being mine!
BTW, playground tonight!!!!!
Get A Room!
haha just kidding.
I am so happy for the both of you!! You are a great match indeed!
Now, like my Fred would say, Come see me at 24 years!! :)
Ahhhhh... Ok, I love the sentiment. And congratulations of 14 years. That's awesome. And it's very obvious that you two are madly in love with each other. You definitely have a Song of Solomon marriage.
Thank you for making my daughter so happy. You don't know how wonderful it is for a mother to know that the man her daughter chose as the man of her dreams REALLY IS the man of her dreams. I pray that God will continue to bless you.
I love you. Mom
The day of I had the ring still at the jewelers store, but i guess it worked out too. happy anniversary!
I love the way you guys relate to each other. There is nothing wrong in my opinion with being "touchy-feely." It is great to see you guys together! Congrats on 14 years!
Happy Anniversay to a couple who is truely commited to each other!! Here is to a lifetime more of memories!
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