That was an example of a guy making excuses.
Now for some people who made an impact:
The 1st day of Catalyst we went the next block over for lunch to avoid some of the 11,000 hungry preachers. We decided on a Subway. Now you all know that Subway isn’t the quickest fast food out there but this place absolutely rocked! There were already 5 or so people in line and we came in the door with 7 more and there were more behind us. I thought for sure that we made a mistake. But let me tell you, these workers were slamming. They were taking orders on down the line and setting up the nest worker. They assembly lined our subs! I really think they had a separate mustard and mayo guy! Anyway, I told the manager that I was impressed by the way they moved us through so quickly. He said “were are just doing the best we can to handle all the extra people.” They could have easily kept a slower pace and not care about their customers at all but they choose to get into the zone and serve us at their best, and that they did! We can learn a lot from them. So if you are in N.C. near Hooly Grove and need some fast food, don’t go to the Burger King! But when in Atlanta, feel free to stop by I85 and Old Peachtree Rd. and get a sub from people who think YOU matter!

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